Personal Thoughts


February 24th, 2018

Today was such a beautiful day! I’m in a place called PEACE – it’s tranquil, liberating and feels so good. If you are wondering what I’m referring to, it’s about whatever stage in life you are at, just enjoy, maximize and THRIVE. For so long I fought this state and perceived it to be a disease.

Upgrade or Extinction

January 8th, 2018

There used to be a skit on the Carol Burnett show (back in the 1970’s), it featured Lily Tomlin playing Ernestine as this switchboard operator. In order for her to transfer calls, she was the switchboard operator that would transfer the call from one individual to another. We’ve come a mightly long way since then.

You gotta start from somewhere!

December 17th, 2017

If you keep waiting for the perfect time, the perfect opportunity – the measure of perfection will continuously move itself and you will never really reach that perfect time to activate that action. Do you ever ask yourself – “What is it that I’m waiting for”? With that being said, there’s nothing wrong with having goals